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Blogumulus by Roy Tanck and Amanda Fazani

Sunday, 27 May 2007

Opening my special airline luggage cardboard box

I bought this here frame and fork as a bike back in Singapore during the start of my NS, went for one ride and broke four spokes on the rear and tried to convert it to singlespeed on the first day.

It's been two years since I rode it and I think the next ride will be a few years of due to budget constrains.
Sucks hard but my Chef career takes priority, pay for TAFE studies, earn miniscle money as an apprentice chef, pay off driving lessons, buy kitchen equipment like expanding my knife collection which stood at two knives for 3 years.

Big Box, Small Chair (use bricks as scale reference)

A view down the seattube, hurrah rust...

Which means it's poo-ed out inside the frame, only usable parts are the frame and fork, had to chuck out the coco(rust)-impregnated bottom bracket.
How will I clean up the mess inside?

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